Sustainable crossdock facility

In Nieuw-Amsterdam, a strategic location between the main vegetable- and flower auctions in Holland and the route to Scandinavia Green Label Logistics invested in a new, conditioned crossdock facility.  On a 5 acres large and secured yard, a new facility of 5000 m2 was built according to the latest standards. We have 30 loading docks, where most cargo is unloaded, checked and loaded in the right trailers for the follow-up transport to Scandinavia. All of our climate controlled storage areas are powered by sustainable green energy which is generated from our solar panels. Geothermal energy and air pumps are used to heat the building and offices. For the near future, Green Label Logistics is working on the design and permits for a windmill as one of the final steps for a completely climate neutral facility.

Apart from the main facility in Nieuw-Amsterdam, Green Label Logistics companies are based in Poeldijk (the Netherlands), Kwintsheul (the Netherlands), Greve (Denmark).